How To Defeat Bad Genetics?
How To Defeat Bad Genetics? Does heart disease run in your family? Does cancer run into your family? When a dietary health issue occurs, we blame our genetics. Sometimes your doctor will tell you that’s it’s genetics. Do you allow these issues to define your future? Is that the reason why you gave up and lived a YOLO life? You only live once, so let me eat whatever I want and enjoy my life-type attitude. I’m here to tell you to take that type of mindset out of your mind. Why are you giving up on yourself? Let me shine a small light to give you hope! According to the US National Library of Medicine, many dietary diseases can be preventable through significant lifestyle changes! They claim that your environment controls 80% and 20% is genetics. That means you might have cancer that runs within your family, but what you physically do actively and what you eat can either turn cancer on or off. Are you feeding the diseases, or are you starving them? The same happened to my student Jacob Garcia. He was overweight, and his family had many dietary health issues like cancers, diabetes, and high blood pressure. His doctor said he was destined to have these issues because he was Hispanic. He didn’t allow that to be his fate. He joined my team of BodyHD Fitness and me and helped him adopt a whole foods plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle! His blood levels have improved; he has a ripped six-pack and lives a more active lifestyle. He is now trying to inspire his family to live a healthier lifestyle, so they don’t fall victims to dietary diseases, and you can too! Comment “BAD GENETICS,” and I’ll do you now to help prevent and improve your blood levels!